
Fracture photos
Fracture photos

Unstable pelvic fracture: In an unstable pelvic fracture, there are often two or more breaks, and the ends of broken parts of the bones are displaced.Pelvic fractures that happen from low-impact events, such as a minor fall or running, are usually stable fractures. Stable pelvic fracture: In a stable pelvic fracture, there’s usually only one break in your pelvis, and the broken parts of the bones aren’t displaced.In addition to the specific pattern that the fracture has, a pelvic fracture is also classified as being stable or unstable:

#Fracture photos crack#

Stress fractures: A stress fracture happens when your bone has a crack in it.Partial fractures: A partial fracture happens when the fracture doesn’t go all the way through your bone.

fracture photos

  • Displaced fractures: When a gap forms where your bone’s fractured, it’s called a displaced fracture.
  • Complete fractures: A complete fracture happens when your bone breaks into two pieces.
  • If the broken bone pierces through your skin, it’s called an open fracture or a compound fracture.
  • Closed or open (compound) fractures: If the fracture doesn’t break open your surrounding skin, it’s called a closed fracture.
  • In general, there are also several kinds of bone fractures depending on the pattern of the break, including: Since your pelvis is made of multiple bones, there are many types of pelvic fractures. What types of pelvic fractures are there? It also acts as an anchor for your leg muscles. Your pelvis is a highly stable structure that protects many important nerves, blood vessels and organs, including your internal reproductive organs, bladder and the lower part of your digestive tract. Together, these bones form what’s known as the pelvic ring.
  • The hip bones, which include the ilium, ischium and pubis.
  • fracture photos

    The sacrum (the large triangle-shaped bone at the base of your spine).The bones that make up your pelvis include: Your pelvis is the area of your body below your abdomen that’s located between your hip bones. A pelvic fracture happens when there’s a fracture (break) in one or more of your bones that make up your pelvis.

    Fracture photos